Are you hanging around with the right people?

Who we associate with has a major impact on our lives.

Maybe you’re trying to drop a few pounds but your friend keeps bringing over cookies and cakes. Or you find yourself complaining about office policies with others around the water cooler. Or maybe you’re buying things to keep up with the neighbors.

As social creatures, humans seek companionship and interaction. Yet, it’s still your choice who is in your tribe. You don’t have to copy the bad habits of someone else.

Action – Instead, seek out positive people who want to see you succeed. Immerse yourself into the energy of opportunities and possibilities by surrounding yourself with encouragement and support.

Let go of those who have negative intentions and build strong boundaries to keep doubters out.

The great people to be around are those that make you feel great too.

One Response

  1. LOVE THIS ONE…. In the world we are living in right now, if more people did not follow the media, movie actors, or other bad examples, then it is possible the world would have a little more peace. If we treated each other the way we want to be treated that would go a long way too in correcting the mess we have on our hands right now. If we avoid those who cause conflict then they may change and try and join in with those who want peace and love to rule not hate and anger. Positive trumps negative every time.

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