“If you want something done right, do it yourself.”

That ol’ saying has little truth or relevance to it.

If you look at the things that have gone right for you, I’ll bet you’ll find you were surrounded by friends, colleagues, family and sometimes even complete strangers who contributed to your success.

My move from Europe back to Canada several years ago is a great example. If it wasn’t for someone who helped me find a place to live, the clients that stayed with me and my best friend’s support, that international relocation could have been very difficult to pull off.

And for everything that’s gone right in my business, there are at least 2 or 3 people whose advice or support was a big part of my success.

Action – You are never alone in creating success. Ask for help and then acknowledge it with gratitude when it comes.

(photo from DIY Disaster Doctor)

2 Responses

  1. Hi Nancy

    One I need to hear time and again as one of my gremlins is definitely the Lone Ranger – she manages everything, manages well and manages alone. Good to hear this today. I do need support with 3 specific things and I know what sort of help I need so I will ask.

  2. DIY? If you have the time, talent, tools and temperament to do it right, move ahead, if you are missing just one of those, might be best to find someone who does.

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