
I recently completed a public speaking course. While I consider myself to be an accomplished speaker, I still absolutely appreciate the value of learning from others.

Some students overcame fears while others gained insight into their capabilities. I pushed my own comfort zone and found a wonderful new way to communicate.

Public speaking is the #1 most common fear. Even death only comes in at #7. Most people would rather be in the box than speaking from the pulpit!

Good communication is a leadership skill like no other. Great speakers move people to act. Think of Nelson Mandela, JFK, and Winston Churchill.

Action – Find one of the many speaking courses that fits your budget, lifestyle and timetable.

And your new positive self-image will directly affect the goals you set, the actions you take and the success you create in life.


6 Responses

  1. Em minha carreira profissional, a oratória fez da maioria dos eventos um sucesso, gosto muito de falar em publico e me comunico com facilidade.

    Adoro ser orador e protagonista de historias ou mesmo cursos voltados a liderança.

    Ótimo Link o de hoje,

  2. So true, Nancy. I can play guitar and sing in front of a crowd of several thousand and not bat an eye but if I have to speak in front of that same crowd, I am shaking

  3. An alternative to taking a course, look into your local Toastmasters club. I’ve attended one of the sessions here in Jacksonville and they are really welcoming and get you sucked in. I’m hoping to committee to the group this fall.

    1. Toastmasters is a wonderful organization and has helped many people improve their speaking skills and confidence on stage.

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