“Hey, there’s a team meeting today at 3pm in the conference room!”
Oh yes, there it is – I’m hearing you say “oh no, not another wasted hour!”
Of the many complaints that run rampant in companies today, boring or useless meetings is right at the top of the list. And for good reason.
Many team meetings ARE boring. Or they waste precious time by being repetitive and stuck on the same issues.
While getting together with management and colleagues is a vital part of business, most take twice if not three times longer than necessary to get the work done.
There are several ways to improve the quality and impact of a business meeting. But, by far, the most important way to consistently have killer meetings – you know, the kind that spark creativity, motivation and business confidence – is to make them about ideas, not tasks.
Action – Focus your group meetings on the overall big picture. Generate ideas through brainstorming, motivation through meaning and confidence through purpose.
If tasks do need to be discussed, that can be done separately with those who need it, though honestly, most people do not.
Team meetings can be made far more productive and effective by staying away from micromanaging everyone involved.