Your career, as well as your paycheck, may have been hit by the recent economic challenges.

And now – yes, now – is a good time to re-evaluate your career path.

Perhaps your company has downsized or halted promotions. The training department’s budget has been slashed and everybody is simply focusing on hunkering down and keeping their chair.

That’s fine for some, but not for those who want to stand out from the crowd as things get better.

It’s quite possible your ascension up the corporate ladder will hit a few broken rungs, so here are some ways to buffer your career and your motivation against possible knock-backs:-

* Look at sideways growth. There may not be a lot of openings upwards, but what about sideways? Gathering skill and experience in different areas the same level is certainly a good way to open doors wider when they do open again.

* Serve you boss’s boss. How can your actions, plans and ideas help two levels up, or more? What can you do to make the CEO’s life easier?

* Be your own teacher. Learn how to learn and make up a specific plan to develop both hard and soft skills.

– Now, there are still no guarantees that your career will work out as planned but by proactively recharging and re-evaluating it, you’ll be in stronger position than those who are currently just hanging on.

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