If I was to follow you around for the next 60 days with a camera, I’ll bet several things would happen. In 60 days, you’d be 5 times closer to your goals than you would be if the camera wasn’t there.
First you’d stop procrastinating. Next, you would become more decisive. And finally, you would be more conscious of your words and deeds.
And that’s because the camera is compelling you to recognize how accountable you are for your actions.
Whether to their mastermind group, other support systems or their life partner, successful people make themselves accountable to others they respect. By sharing goals, plans and deadlines, they make promises to others. In return, those people provide encouragement, support, compassion and accountability.
Action – If you have become stuck with one of your goals, recommit by sharing the details with at least one other person. Get them to hold you accountable and watch your actions take off.
(And don’t forget – smile for the camera!)