Research shows that the longer our to-do list is, the less confident or motivated we feel about completing it.

While some folks like long lists, most do not.

Action – So, here are some unique ways to manage your action list:

*   Write it out in pencil. As each action is taken, you can erase it, leaving yourself with a blank sheet when you’re finished.

*   Have 2 lists. One is your main list while the other is for those things you are going to focus your attention on for the hour or day. Hide the main list away so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

*   Or, write your tasks on Post-It Notes and attach them to a board. Pull them off as they are completed and move the others around as priorities shift.

You do not have to keep the standard to-do list. Use what you know of your likes and dislikes to create a system that encourages you rather than deflates you!

2 Responses

  1. Love these ideas! I often “coach” my patients to manage their anxiety by finding tools to contain their to-do lists. Having things prioritized and concrete makes them so much less scary!

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