You’ve been working hard on a particular goal. Lots of time and resources have been put in.

And just when you thought it was in your hand, bang, it all falls apart.

In the next moment, YOU will decide if you’ve succeeded or failed.

And you will fail only if YOU stop pursuing the goal.

Sometimes things will not go as you want them to. That is often a signal your plans were not sound to begin with.

When things don’t work out, take it as a sign that the Universe doesn’t want you to build that particular creation in that particular way. So try another way!

Action – Rebuild your plan in relation to a goal you think has failed. Look again at what you were trying to create and find another method.

Trust the signs that the Universe sends you, and don’t get discouraged if you don’t reach your star on the first try.

(Do you remember a time when you realized your success was created by a previous failure? Please share your experience using the comments box.)

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