Ever wondered what makes any decision “right”?

Being right or wrong is simply a judgment—they’re words on each end of a spectrum that’s different for everyone. What’s right for you may be wrong for me. And you can never expect to be right beforehand—only after.

I’m not talking about moral judgments here. I’m referring to the way we use right and wrong when we make decisions about our careers or business.

It has taken me a lot of conscious effort to remove “right” and “wrong” from my decision-making process. I use different criteria to make up my mind about some action I need to take.

Action – Make your decisions consciously based on information that you have on hand right now. Don’t worry about factors as yet unknown or elements that you cannot control.

Start by saying to yourself – based on what I know now, I decide X.

6 Responses

  1. Completely Agree Nancy. At times we have to take decision no based on the facts but the gut feeling and trust on self. very informative to read Thanks & God bless.

  2. I am not sure if we could always base a decision on facts and figures alone. Sometimes, intuition plays a part in our decision making process. In retrospect, some of my informed decisions did not turn out well and I should have followed my gut feelings instead.

  3. I agree with this approach to decision making. It very much highlights being present in the moment and not trying to predict the future. The future will unfold on it’s own. The results of the decision will be positive or negative not necessarily right or wrong.

  4. We can’t decide without using emotion. When weighing the facts, emotions tip our scales. Intuition is best used when you have at least some knowledge and experience in the field of the decision. And I agree; the ‘rights and wrongs’ are not really helpful.

  5. I would find very difficult to present a project to a board, any board, and say “based on my gut-feeling, we will commit $5m to this…”

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