Theories exist about what drives us to take action. Although many are complex, I’ve found something simple I like from the 1970s book Universal Traveler by Koberg and Bagnall:
First, we are motivated to be engaged in creative work, doing something that is enjoyable and constructive.
Second, we want to have an imaginative lifestyle and be seen as being unique.
Third, we look for a complete and total experience of love and intimate human relationships.
Fourth, we want to feel in control rather than the one being controlled.
How are these four motivators reflected in your life? Are you driven by these elements? And, if you are, how well are you achieving them?
Action – If this theory resonates for you, great – use it as your guide for taking action. And if not, that’s okay too.
What is important, though, is knowing for yourself what motivates you every day.
I could not agree more about the 4 motivators. However, I do think a comment should be made about the difference between certain generations of people and where they are from. The Y-generation, or even Z-generation, in the western civilization are far more up for meeting those motivators than the baby boomers or other less developed civilizations.
That is a factor of age, not any particular generation.