If you follow the procedure I’m about to share, you’ll get lots of stuff done AND build your confidence too!

Action – To start, you must first write down three to five small tasks you can achieve in one day including some you want to do and some you don’t. Write out your list the night before.

Second, choose a celebration activity you’ll do when the tasks are completed.

Third, tell someone you trust about your plan to make you accountable AND provide support.

Fourth, do what you dislike or fear the most first. Then the next, and the next. The last task must be the one you want to do the most.

Fifth, keep your focus on the progress of each task. Don’t look for perfection; instead watch for measurable change.

Sixth, and most importantly, no matter what happens, celebrate everything you achieve.

2 Responses

  1. Your comment reminded me of Nancy’s article on time management and planning just 80% of time to allow for the interruptions. Not sure if that helps.

    My challenge is eating the frog first though I completely get the rationale of it.

    Good luck.


  2. Maybe make a “plan B” for the item you are unsure of being able to accomplish successfully.

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