Are you shocked when you’re successful?

There’s no need to be – success was within your grasp from the moment you were born.

Some of my clients have been stunned when they’ve achieved their goals. Part of the “stunned” was from going through the process and then seeing how simple it really was. And part of it was realizing they had actually been blocking their achievement.

You block the successful completion of your goal if you believe that the goal is too hard or complicated to get to, if it’s beyond your means, or if it’s something you don’t deserve.

But if you work toward your goal fully expecting success, believing that you’ll achieve it, and being open to receive what is sent to you, then you guarantee results.

Action – What blocks are you putting in your own path? How can you reword the goal or rework the plan to eliminate the blocks?

Remove your blocks and open the door to success.

11 Responses

  1. Never really thought about achieving success the in the manner you described it.

    Even though my father always reminded me as a young girl you can achieve anything if you just set your mind to it. We forget these teachings or just let our negative thoughts take control of our minds and then success is so much harder to achieve.

    Thanks for the positive reinforcement and reminder. We all can use this from time to time.

  2. That is something really important:when we want/desire something, we need to be positive and believe that we are going to get that specific goal, for sure! The challenge is to keep the negative thoughts far from ourselves, avoiding them in making us feel unable to achieve our objectives. Very useful hint!!!

  3. Great message!It reminds me a post graduation teacher that always says: “Valuing your limitations you will never to get rid of them”

  4. Thank you Nancy, I really needed this today. I was starting to doubt myself and feel like I’m failing despite what I have and am currently achieving. I’m going to take some time to reflect on this today and find a way to quash these negative thoughts.

  5. I made the grievous error of actually listening to some people over the years, that said I would never make it in the broadcasting industry because I was a “chick”. I’ve hitched my wagon to the right people now and am soaring above those naysayers and leaving them in the dust…

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