When it comes to creating success in your life, money, IQ and status mean nothing, zip, nada, nil. Success is not created by any of those things. So lacking any of them is no longer an excuse for you!

You see, it is continuous effort, not intelligence or fortune, that brings you what you want.

Just because you don’t have a savings account or a college diploma doesn’t mean you have to stay small.

Common icons of success are people like Bill Gates, Lance Armstrong, Thomas Edison and Mother Theresa. They are successful in different ways, but they all share a common denominator.

And it isn’t education, money or personality.

They all chose to act.

They set a direction, a purpose, and moved in that direction. Daily steps, sometimes hourly actions, took them forward. Some steps were less effective than others, but because they chose to act, and continue to act, they created their success.

Action – Any external block you perceive to be in your way can be overcome. Start by accepting and acknowledging with gratitude where you are now. Then decide where you want to be. Wave your magic wand and dream big. Then plan the steps and get started with your actions.

Remember, things don’t get done because you have a degree, a big bank account or a certain IQ. They get done because you choose to act!

(What recent choice did you make that caused an action toward your goal? Please share your thoughts in the comments box.)

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