Ever get those wish-washy kind of days? Y’know, when you can’t make up your mind about anything?
Psychologically speaking, there are many reasons why can and cannot make a decision about something.
Fundamentally though, we often go back and forth between options simply because we don’t have enough information.
Each of us needs a different amount of data because we each measure risk differently. What is enough for your client, business partner, spouse or colleague may be thoroughly insufficient for you, and vice versa.
Action – Whenever a decision appears hard to make, there may be a number of factors involved but start by asking yourself this:
Do I have enough information to make a decision based on my risk threshold?
If you do, then something else is blocking you. But if you don’t, figure out what specifics you need and get those satisfied. Don’t make a decision until you are ready.
(What level of information do you usually need to make a decision about something? Please leave your reply in the comments box.)