SDAs. No it’s not some kind of new drug.

SDA stands for Single Daily Action.

What is one your goals this year? Whatever it is, there is something you can do today to move you closer to success.

If you aren’t taking some kind of action today on your goal, then you really don’t want it to happen!

Action – Brainstorm all the actions you currently think are needed to achieve one of your goals. Break large actions down into their component steps. Write it out so you can see the steps in front of you.

Now, what is one action you can take today? Do it.

And when you start your day tomorrow, focus on the next single daily action. And get it done.

Taking single daily actions is the most effective way to create success with any goal, no matter when your goal date is set for.

(What is your SDA today? Please leave your reply in the comments box.)

One Response

  1. My SDA for Monday was not to think of work and just kick back and enjoy the day with the kids 🙂 (yes it was a holiday in Canada, so no work thus no need for action other than fun action)

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