Did you ever play a game called Concentration? Though there were many varieties, the idea was to either match pairs of cards or to name the next item in a category or series.

The point is that to be successful in the game, you needed to focus all of your energies to the task at hand. If your mind wandered, you missed a pair or what the preceding player had said.

Concentration is a skill fundamental to success.

Unfortunately, many people tell themselves they have so much to do that they can’t concentrate or focus.

Oh yes you can!

“Okay Nancy, but how can I when there are so many demands on my time?”

How to do it is actually the easy part. It’s deciding to focus – making that choice – that most people don’t do. We all know how to turn off the phone, close the door, go somewhere else or hit the ‘do not disturb’ button, but few actually give themselves permission to do it, so they stay unfocused and rattled much of the day.

Nothing can create more power in your life and capacity in your day as much as concentrating your time, energy and resources on a very limited set of targets.

Action – Give yourself permission to use one behavior that will help you concentrate. Pick a method of focus and implement it. Only you can do it.

Because to do two things at once is to do neither well.

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