The moment you stop dreaming is the moment you stop success.

Success starts with your imagination.

Each of your dreams can become a reality. Dreams become reality when you turn them into specific goals. By creating a plan, taking action and reviewing those actions often, any dream is possible.

Sure, some dreams are better left as dreams. In fact, fiddling around with dreams in our brain is wonderful entertainment for the mind. Not everything you dream HAS TO become reality.

But remember, that is entirely up to you – not circumstances or conditions but your own commitment to actualize your dream.

Action – Write out a dream you’re willing to make real. Give it lots of technicolor detail. Explore how each of your senses will be affected as the goal comes together. Then, plan it out, gather up your support system and make it happen.

Goals are simply dreams with a deadline.

(What’s one of your outstanding dreams? Please share by using the comments box.)

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