The achievement of your goal is guaranteed the moment you commit to it. Why? Because commitment creates a psychological shift that increases determination and perseverance.
This makes complete sense because true commitment is like concrete – it sets firm.
If you do not achieve your goal, it is because you have not committed the money, time, energy or other resources. You have not agreed to do what it takes, even if that is uncomfortable. Your goal may not happen exactly as planned but it will happen somehow if you commit.
You have already experienced the power of commitment in your life – otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are now.
Action – The next time you set a goal, answer these questions:
- Why do I want this?
- How will my life change?
- Am I ready for this change?
- Am I prepared to fully commit my time, energy and resources to this goal?
If the answer to the last one is anything less than a 100% resounding yes, either dump the goal completely, break it down or alter it until you are ready to fully commit.
Your commitment will make the difference.
(Agree, disagree or otherwise have an experience or comment? Please leave your reply in the comments box.)