Many people agree that one of the most underpaid professions is teaching. Without taking away from the skillset of professional teachers, each and every one of us can use what we learn to improve the lives of those around us.

And as we teach, we’ll be contributing to our own goals too.

To create success for yourself, it’s important to continuously increase your learning. You can then leverage your learning by teaching it to someone else.

By committing to pass on your learning beforehand, you will absorb new information differently. You’ll retain information differently because you know you’ll need to explain it to someone else.

Action – As an example, plan to teach tomorrow’s blog post to someone else in your circle.

Whenever you are about to embark on a new learning experience, arrange to teach it to someone else. It will change the whole outcome for both of you.

(How will you approach reading tomorrow’s blog post differently, knowing that you are going to teach it to someone else? Please share your wisdom by leaving a reply in the comments box.)

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