Successful people get afraid of things too. As the saying goes, brave people feel fear, they just keep going in spite of it.
It’s not as difficult as you might think to overcome actions, tasks or situations that frighten you.
You just need to handle them first.
You may have heard of this before. Do feared things first.
That holds true for the smallest of tasks too. If you’re afraid to pick up the phone to make a cold call or talk to someone you don’t know, do it first thing in the morning.
Hesitating about presenting a proposal? Do it first, before you get involved in any other tasks.
Do the things you fear first, and the rest becomes easy.
In fact, you will soon discover that the feared things are pretty easy too.
You see, the more we delay, the more time we allow the fear to build. We run negative scenarios in our head until we’re so frightened we could almost run screaming from the building. Well, maybe not that severe, but I’m sure you get my meaning!
Action – Right now, grab a sheet of paper, and write down the feared thing that you will do the moment you get to work tomorrow morning. If it’s one of those things you could do even before leaving the house, then commit to doing it before the drinking the OJ.
Doing feared things first, every day, frees your mind and imagination so that you can be even more productive and successful in the rest of the day.