Not sure what to do next with your life? Well, here is an easy and quick tip for coming up with some options.

You can use this at any time. But it is really great when one of life’s milestones is fast approaching.

Maybe you’re considering a job change or career evolution. Or, you’re nearing the big 4-0 or 3-0 or 5-0 … one of the 0’s anyway!

Or you’re moving to another part of the country or maybe even the other side of the world. Perhaps something is going on that is prompting you to ask yourself ‘what would I like to have happen in this stage of my life?’

Action – Here’s a very quick way to get some new ideas for goals to set in your life.

Ask 3 of your friends, family members, colleagues, Goal Getter™ Gang members or people you trust following question:

“You and I meet up in one year. I tell you that I have achieved 2 big goals. What do you hope I tell you?”

You will be inspired and maybe even a little shocked by their responses!

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