There are many techniques for closing sales. Some work while others don’t.

But let’s keep this simple. What is the one common denominator in all your successful sales? The common denominator is, quite simply, you.

Every successful sales agent, leader and influencer I’ve ever known, understands that the most important factor in their system is themselves. Their number one priority is making sure their mental, physical and emotional well-being is taken care of. And to do that, they focus on 3 things.

First, they work with passion – for their clients, products and company.

Second, they feed their mind with lifelong learning and mental stimulation.

And third, they eat well, sleep lots and enjoy fun physical and social activities.

Action – It may sound trite to you, but from years of experience, hundreds of successful people and literally millions of dollars in combined sales, my clients and I know that these three pieces are the only puzzle you need to figure out to create the solid foundation for success.

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