Panic follows disorganization.

I frequently get calls and emails from people who feel overwhelmed and desperate.

These people are caught in a race and often going backwards. They complain about lack of time or support or the fact that the workplace isn’t “fair”.

And they’re right.

But it comes down to a choice – either keep complaining and achieve nothing OR get organized.

Action – First, forget about trying to manage time. Instead, focus on managing your activities. And the best way to do that is to devote time each day to put things in an order that serves you! Take a good hard look at how you’ve categorized your papers and projects, clean off your workspace or even just clear your mind.

Take no less than 15 minutes a day to put your internal and external spaces in order.

Whether financially, emotionally, psychologically or energetically, getting into this simple and quick habit will reap huge rewards for you.

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