Many people don’t know how to identify their goals.

So, I’m going to show you a fun and easy method to help you identify what you really want. After all, the journey’s much easier if you know where you’re going!

Action – Get a pack of 3″ x 5″ index cards and place them around your house, office, and car.

For the next 10 days, every time you get a new idea, notice something that interests you, or see something you like, write it down on a card.

Fill out at least 10 cards every day.

On day 11, spread out all your cards on a table and assess each one. Decide if you want to keep it, rewrite it, or toss it.

The cards that you keep indicate your dreams, intentions, passions and values. And those cards will help you identify what goals you want to go after.

You may be quite surprised when you see what your own cards tell you!

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