There is a simple tool that helps you make quick and firm decisions.
When we were buying our new home recently, my husband and I used a Want & Must Have list.
We could have easily become overwhelmed by all the choices available in our price range. But instead of getting stuck, we narrowed our options down by using a Want & Must Have list.
- We wanted offstreet parking but it must have at least one garage
- We wanted 4 bedrooms but it must have at least 3
- We wanted a large plot of land but it must have at least a good sized backyard
- We wanted 2 bathrooms but it must have at least a master ensuite
If any of our ‘must haves’ were not in the house, even if it had some of our ‘wants’, we walked away.
Action – Make a Want & Must Have list right now for something you’re indecisive about.
The ‘must haves’ become your bottom line and anything less is simply unacceptable.