“Success is a decision, or better yet, a series of decisions.”
When I first made this statement at a recent presentation, I immediately encountered resistance from several people in the audience.
Those folks thought that because things were happening outside of their control, they had no decision-making ability at all. They felt powerless and victimized.
So, with a few quick examples, I reminded them how to take their power back … like this:
When Bob blurted out – “but what about the economy, I can’t influence that!” my immediate reply was “knowing what you know, what is the first decision you need to make to protect your business?”
Jane called out – “people at work don’t do what they promise and hold me back.” “Well,” I replied, “how are you going to handle that?”
Frank couldn’t hold it any longer – “I just don’t know how to do it.” My reply was fast “And so, where will you go to learn what you need to learn?”
Action – How are YOU holding back on making decisions or taking action? What can you do right now that moves you ahead?
Just decide, and move on!