There is lots of information out there on how to make a sales presentation to a prospective client. And there’s unfortunately very little information for the newer sales rep that tells them exactly what information to gather to prepare that great presentation.
We would more often prefer to simply go in, tell others what we know and hope that we’ve impressed them enough to buy from us.
But if what we have on offer is of no use to them, they’ll show us the door faster than we can say, “but what about this other thing I have …”
When gathering information from prospective clients, build your conversation on the basis of these simple questions:
- What do you do?
- Who do you do it with?
- When do you do it?
- Where do you do it?
- Why do you do it that way?
- And what happens when you do it well and when you do it not so well?
From that information, you will have everything you need to determine if what you have is of any use and exactly how to show the prospect your benefits.
Action – Before writing out a single phrase of a new proposal, invest the time and energy to get the information you really need.