I can’t count the number of times people have told me about their big goals, but have done nothing to get started!
You see, people are notoriously good at putting things off, even if those things are part of a lifelong dream.
Most of us are easily frightened – by perceived failure, success, ridicule, blatant admiration – you name it, someone is afraid of it!
But many don’t know that the key to reducing a fear is do so something – anything – that challenges it.
If you’re paralyzed from taking action on a big goal, then look at what fear or fears stop you. But it’s even more important to take actions.
Action – Break down a daunting goal into smaller manageable chunks. Maybe find just one simple step you can take in the next few minutes.
By doing this over and over, in a very short period of time, you will feel more confident and accomplished.
Remember, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with just one step.