Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Well, here is an important technique for reducing the stress that comes with a long list of stuff to do, at home and at work.

Focus on three things at a time.

Your brain doesn’t like long lists. Reduce the length of the list and you will feel lighter and much more motivated.

Action – On a piece of paper, write down just 3 things from your long to-do list that you are prepared to focus on for the next time frame, whether that’s an hour, day, week, whatever. Place your longer list away in a drawer until all 3 tasks are complete.Then, take another 3, again hiding what’s left of the longer list.

You see, focusing on three activities will give you a sense of confidence in your ability, and a feeling of accomplishment as the items get crossed off.

It’s fast, simple and very functional.

13 Responses

  1. Thanks for the useful tip to simplify life and not feel constantly overwhelmed. Focus on 3 makes me confront what’s really important versus what can wait. Thanks Nancy!

  2. You are most welcome Mike. Focusing on 3 has got to be one of the best ways for feeling confident and accomplished at the same time as improving productivity without excess stress!

  3. This is a great tip to share at home as well as the office. I think it will also assist my kids in getting more organized. Great introduction.

  4. What a refreshing idea! My entire career I have always been taught to create a to do list at the end of the day for the next work day. Usually my list would consist of 5-7 or more items. I like the idea of making the list but only focusing on 3 items per day. This should cut my stress leval down and make my life longer:) Thanks Nancy for your wonderful tips. Love this training!

  5. Always good to be reminded of this one – especially at this busy holiday time, when it is so easy to talk myself into stressing 😛 thank you Nancy!

  6. I am not sure who shared this with me years ago when I was discussing the challenges of getting our kids to complete their chores/homework. We have used this in our house for years and it works!!! Unfortunately, I don’t do this is the workplace. I still make my long lists. Maybe it is time to listen to my own advice (and Nancy’s too) 🙂 Thank you!

  7. Thank you for your to do list Practice in my work place . Always my list in length. after read your things I prepared Tomorrow work three activities.

  8. I have a list pinned next to my workstation called “Zen Things”. It has 12 points (not all of which I observe!) however in the spirit of this sound advice I’ll offer you the first 3.

    1. Do one thing at a time.
    2. Do it slowly and deliberately.
    3. Do it completely.

    This works for me!

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