A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
(Geez, I haven’t heard the word ‘hobgoblin’ since Halloween 1973!)
In this case, the word hobgoblin means an unwanted activity. And the status quo is often an unwanted activity. Yes, it may be comfortable to stick with doing what you know. There is safety in that, but there is rarely success.
Consistency is a key element of creating a desired outcome. But always doing things in a way that creates negative results is FOOLISH consistency!
If you are happy staying comfortable in your discomfort, that’s fine. But that removes your right to complain about how unfair and difficult things are.
Action – So find a mentor, read a book, make some plans, hire a coach, find an ally or partner in your success. Do one thing differently and move one step closer to your goals.
And banish the hobgoblins forever!