How do you reach your goals if there isn’t any free time to focus on them?

Well, there is a difference between “free time” and “wasted time”. Most of us who don’t achieve what we want to achieve are simply wasting too much time!

Let me ask you …. How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

Not much? Great!

But time-wasters can include many things other than watching too much TV.

How often to you do an activity over and over again?

Do you spend your time re-reading things, re-writing them, picking up the same piece of paper or activity that you picked up yesterday, or last week?

How much time do you give to negative thoughts? Or spend with people who drain your energy?

– Make a list of “time-wasters” —your “Not To Do List”—and hang it where you can see it. Make a commitment to yourself that you will not indulge in those activities. Then celebrate your successes!

Watch what happens with your free time!

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