In 24 hours, you can achieve something AND celebrate it!
When you are overwhelmed by all your long term projects, refocus for one day and create results you can celebrate that same evening.
Action – At the top of a page, write the phrase “Today I Will…” and brainstorm a list of what I call ‘one-dayers’. Here are some ideas:
- Go to the gym
- Wash the car
- Compliment 3 people
- Get out of the office for lunch
- Add 15 minutes to the dog’s walk
- Take surprise gifts home for the family
- Tackle a problem you’ve been avoiding
- Write out 3 things you’re grateful for
- Watch the sunset
- Spend time on your favorite hobby
Choose items you will commit to doing today. Keep the rest of the list handy for another day that needs an energy boost, some fast results and celebrations.