Creating a new habit is simple but its not always easy. Research says solidifying new behaviors can often take 3 to 6 weeks of consistent, conscious work.
So why would you listen to just one of my corporate audio clips and expect lasting change? Why would you expect others to take a short course on sales skills or time management and be a master at it the very next day?
Habits and new behaviors can take time to be engraved onto someone’s mental framework. They must also be important or significant enough to outweigh other current, non-beneficial patterns.
A clear decision needs to be made to take persistent consistent attitudes and actions over time for that new behavior to stick. And sometimes the decision is made every few hours. Just ask anyone in a 12-step program!
But remember – the achievement of your goal is GUARANTEED the moment you commit to it.
Action – Choose one – just one – new thought or behavior you’d like to have in your life. Today, make the first decision to persist. Tell someone else about your commitment.
The habits you ALREADY have were created this way. Consciously create new ones the same way.