Would you be willing to take a calculated risk if you knew it would pay off?

Well, to be fair, your answer really doesn’t matter.

You see, we calculate a myriad of factors but all of those tabulations are actually just guesswork anyway. And no matter what you do, you cannot TRULY know if something will pay off.

If you DID know, it wouldn’t be a risk, would it??

You are taking risks all day long. Statistics show that thousands of people get hurt every year falling out of bed! It’s risky just to get up in the morning!

It’s not about being ‘risk-averse’. It is simple a mental perception that makes one situation appear riskier than another.

What is the difference? Common fear. And what contributes to that fear? A lack of information and experience.

– What data or detail is missing that makes something risky to you? What do you need to know to reduce your fears? How can you expose yourself to experiencing some of the situation right now? What previous or similar experiences can give you insights?

Risk is just another 4 letter word for fear.

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