Often we can get stuck in a state of overwhelm and frustration in our long-term projects. Well, here’s how you can break this state in 24 hours.

Action – At the top of a page, write the phrase “Today I Will…” and brainstorm a list of what I call ‘one-dayers’. Here are some ideas:

•    Go to the gym
•    Take a walk in a park
•    Take the stairs instead of the elevator
•    Compliment 3 people
•    Get out of the office for lunch
•    Volunteer some time at a charity
•    Take your family out to dinner
•    Make a phone call you’ve been avoiding
•    Write out 3 things you’re grateful for
•    Watch the sunset
•    Spend 30 minutes reading a favorite book

Choose items you will commit to doing today. Then when you’ve completed them, celebrate!

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