Feeling a little out of kilter but not sure why?
Well, many of us set out to achieve a ‘balanced life’. Interestingly though, balance is actually a temporary thing and is susceptible to the simplest of forces. If you’ve ever had an ear infection, you’ll know what I mean!
The slightest variation or disruption of air movement in the ear canal can mean you are either standing straight up or heading straight down to the floor! Having a bit too much wine, getting up too fast or dashing around a corner too quickly can easily throw you off too.
But how do you know what’s influencing your balance today? Here’s a quick tool for finding out.
Action – Draw a circle split into 6 sections so it looks like a pie. Label each piece with an aspect that is important in your life, such as health, career, family and so on.
With the centre of the pie being 0 and the outside ring being 10, draw a dot inside each piece of the pie from 0-10 on your level of satisfaction with that aspect of your life. So if you were particularly satisfied with your career, you may score it an 8, whereas your health might be a little lower at a 4 if you’re dissatisfied.
Now, connect the dots in each section of the pie to each other. You will end up with either a smooth, roundish kind of image, representing a current feeling of satisfaction and balance, or something choppy and pointed.
Whatever the final image looks like, use it to decide your next goals, where you want to focus your attention and what might need to be added or removed from your life.
This Wheel of Life is a fabulous yet simple visual tool you can use once a month just to check in on your current state of affairs.