The first 7 minutes of your day can be very important. How we wake from sleep often sets us up for the whole day.
During the night, we pass through several stages of sleep, from a deep sleep to dreaming to a light sleep and back again. Often, though, the cycles of sleep are sharply disrupted by the shrill of the alarm clock. We end up traveling back through the stages very quickly.
You’ll know this by the confused state you may feel, not knowing what day or time it is.
What happens in these minutes can inadvertently affect your mood, decisions, confidence and attitude.
I became aware that my quasi-conscious brain was often filled with negative feedback and information as I awoke. Coming quickly out of dream-state, I would hear myself say how rotten the day was going to be, how much work wasn’t finished yet and how crappy I was at my job.
Then I learned how to stop the noise. Now, I awaken and consciously spend about 7 minutes positively reinforcing my attitudes and efforts. I talk about how wonderful the morning is and how grateful I am for my life.
Action – Tomorrow, no matter how busy your schedule is, use the first 7 minutes after the alarm to nip negatives in the bud. Encourage and praise your efforts and have a positive inner conversation.
These first minutes WILL impact your day. HOW that happens IS within your conscious control.
Thank you Nancy. Suprisingly all (not almost all) what u said in your blog happened to me and you’ve always been suggesting the right way to re-act for me.
I agree. I have been waking up thanking the Universe for another day to be alive, for the sun shining on earth, for the warmth of the sun, or the breeze of the wind. Thankful to see or hear from my kids. Thankful to have a job that’s keeping a roof above my head. Thankful for so many things.