Clients often say “I can’t do that, what if I fail?”

For the most part, our interpretation of the word ‘failure’ is directly related to its portrayal by the media.

We are bombarded by negatives about failure. The lowest grade in school is F for failure, you pass or fail exams, if it doesn’t work you have failed, blah blah blah.

However, failure is simply a process, just like success. It is an indication that we are prepared to move to a new level of growth and development. Failure creates learning opportunities.

By seeing failure in its brightest light, we can use the process to create success.

Action – Something happened recently that you have defined as a failure. Review the event from a new perspective.

What 2 things can you learn? What new opportunity arose directly from that so-called failure?

Redefining failure makes you open to strive for great things.

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