Here’s a goal-setting technique with a twist.

Action – I want you to imagine yourself five years from now in your chosen career. Get it clear in your mind.

If all you can picture is negative, then it’s time to get a new career! But that’s another story.

Okay, back to the positive goal-setting technique.

Picture the details of what you’ll be doing and how you’ll be feeling. If you can, actually bring those feelings to the surface and feel how upbeat and strong you will be.

Now, answer this one question – what are the core competencies and skills you will need THEN to DOMINATE your industry?

By knowing what you’ll need THEN to be right at the top of your game, you can write out a career or business development plan today that ensures what you need is firmly in place long beforehand.

Start working from your goals, not to them.

(What is one competency or skill you know you will need in 5 years? Please leave your reply in the comments box.)

One Response

  1. That is definitely a great technique. In your mind you’ll feel strong and successfull and also like a winner because you’ve finally overcome the things and problems that “kept” you (or that you kept) from becoming who you always knew you could be. That’s a great technique. Thanks for sharing that with the world. P.S. No comments doesn’t mean nobody’s reading 😉 Marchiano

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