Relationships take work. At no point in my life am I being more reminded of this than in my new marriage.

Both hubby and I are long enough in the tooth to understand how certain things generally pan out. I don’t think either of us has unrealistic goals or desired outcomes. But individuals evolve, sometimes quickly and sometimes less so. And it is in this changing that confusion or conflict can easily arise.

These first few months of marriage have been intense. Our relationship continues to deepen and strengthen. It is exciting and frightening and trying and amazing.

ALL relationships are like this, with ups and downs, likes and dislikes, learning and changing. Even at work. The only difference might be the intensity and degree of vested interest in the quality and length.

During a recent disagreement, I tossed out a comment that stopped both hubby and me in our tracks.

“I wonder what would happen if we swapped defensiveness with curiosity and frustration with patience.”

Action – Think about one of your relationships. Whether you rate it good, bad or ugly, what would happen if you swapped defensiveness with curiosity and frustration with patience?

How might you AND your relationship evolve?

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