Can’t empty the email inbox? A constant stream of incoming email often makes the inbox unmanageable.
There are several strategies to keep you on top of this helpful but often overwhelming tool.
Action – First, allocate time each hour or half day for reading and answering emails. There is no need to check the computer every 5 minutes. Instead, dedicate time to focus on emails, using a timer if need be. Outside of that time, stay outta the inbox!
Second, flag different types of messages so they automatically sort into different folders.
Third, use the delete button 50% more than you do. Get rid of anything you don’t have to hold on to. Keeping it just because you may refer to it in future just clogs up the system.
Fourth, use the one touch rule. Open the email and handle it right now, then move on.
Fifth, practice what you preach! If you complain about how many emails YOU are getting, stop sending so many! Believe it or not, there was a time when email didn’t exist and businesses were still successful! It is NOT the ONLY communication tool.
Diligently use some or all of these strategies for the next 10 days, even if you think they won’t work. You may very well be pleasantly surprised!