The Snooze Bar’s Precursor

I am notoriously “bad” for using the 7 minute snooze function on my alarm clock every morning (though I actually use it in a good way – think ‘meditation’). So when my husband and I came across a vintage James Remind-O-Timer clock at a local fleamarket, we were fascinated by it. After researching its history, […]

The Big 5-0

Having turned the Big 5-0 recently, I have been spending time taking stock of my life. The process is likely going to continue for several weeks, given that it is unrealistic to think I can really enjoy my memories or feel grateful for all my life lessons by pondering for just a couple of days. […]

In Order

Over the Christmas holidays, my family and I consciously and intentionally took a couple of weeks off – off school, work, commitments and schedules. It was absolutely wonderful! We spent a lot of time playing board games and watching movies. Fortunately, we have various friends who are either movie buffs or game aficionados, so we […]

Time Flies

I dropped in to see my neighbor on the way home yesterday. We had a chat about the recent Halloween festivities, the comings and goings of our respective teenagers and all the preparations for the upcoming Christmas holidays. At the same moment, we both commented on how quickly 2011 has come … and almost gone. […]

Make Success A Priority

The way to get things done is to schedule your priorities, NOT prioritize your schedule. It’s the actions and habits that will move you fastest toward your goals and success that must be your  focus. Fit in everything else around them. Yes, you’re really busy. Just like everyone else. But people who successfully reach their […]