Why Your Self Is Far More Important Than Your Clients
Bob had been able to hit all his targets and objectives for the last few years. His business development system was structured and working well. His clients were happy, his colleagues liked him, and his manager was optimistic about where Bob’s career was going. But Bob was unhappy when I met him at that conference […]
Happy New Year – Part 3
I hope you have enjoyed the exercises and questions over the last few days. Remember to leverage your learning by sharing your ideas, thoughts and awareness with someone who can help you achieve your goals in 2019. Please note that if you have not read Part 1 or Part 2 of this series, Part 3 […]
Happy New Year – Part 1
Yup, its that time of year again! 2018 is rolling to a close and amidst all the parties, family, friends, shopping, snow and special TV programs, this time of year offers up the perfect opportunity to take stock of the past 12 months, clear away “schtuff” that’s simply hanging around and look forward into 2019. […]
Take A Look Inside: The Benefits Of Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is the ability to remain in touch with yourself. It is an understanding of how you think and feel about yourself in different situations. This acquired knowledge about self shapes your decisions and determines your actions and behaviors. Most workers want to understand their motives, conflicts, behaviors, issues, and relationships while at work. Church […]
Introduction to The Morris Code book series
In the 25+ years I have been studying the science of psychology in the business world, certain obvious facts have emerged about how to create success in one’s personal and professional life. First, the word “success” is best defined by the person using it, and nobody else. Unfortunately, people have a tendency to listen to […]