5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Self-Worth Fast

Are you not having a good day? We all falter sometimes. All it takes is a little unasked-for criticism or someone just treating us harshly to trigger us into a spiral of negative self-talk and anxiety about not being liked. When you need to remind yourself of your worth fast, it’s good to have some […]

10 Simple Ways To Motivate Yourself On Monday

1.    Eat A Frog – A favorite saying of mine is: If the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can rest assured it will be the most unpleasant thing you will do all day! Not only is ‘eating a frog’ the #1 tip for improving motivation every day, […]

Facilitating Employee Work Performance

As a manager, have you ever wondered why you or your employees may be inconsistent regarding work performance? You may be scratching your head…you have hired people who have the expertise necessary to perform the job; you have given your employees on-going feedback; and you have provided your employees with acceptable working conditions.  What more […]

Motivation Minute #7

Writing down your goals is important to their achievement. Writing out what you want to achieve in pen helps to build motivation, connection and a sense of contract. Why? Because writing with a pen takes longer and uses more brain power while typing is much more passive and distant. And now that you’ve written out […]

Motivation Minute #6

Do you feel unmotivated to take action on your goals? Well, I’m going to suggest something that may sound totally counterintuitive. Expand your goal to be 2 or 3 times bigger than it currently is! Yes, chunking goals down can definitely work to get you re-engaged, but if for some reason that tactic doesn’t work […]