What the Funk?

Bob paced back and forth around his small cubicle space. Frustrated about feeling sad, and sad because he was still feeling frustrated, his work day seemed to be falling apart, and it was only 9:30 a.m. “What is this funk all about?” he asked himself. The term “funk” generally means a low-grade depression (i.e. not […]

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

My stepson had a stroke when he was just 4 years old. That has left him with both cognitive and physical challenges. He has worked very hard through some of these challenges, but we decided to hire a clinical psychologist who specializes in brain injuries to help him work through some stuff that parents just […]

Do Something …. Something!

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Tired, frustrated and plain ol’ hormonal, it has been a struggle for me to get things done. Hey, it happens. And then I reminded myself of this great Mark Twain quote: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you […]

When To Network

After 5 years of hard work, my stepdaughter recently graduated from University with her Masters degree. Back in August of 2013, on the eve of her 18th birthday, she jetted off to a new city and a new set of experiences to start on her university path to first achieve her BA and now her […]

10 Simple Ways To Motivate Yourself On Monday

1.    Eat A Frog – A favorite saying of mine is: If the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can rest assured it will be the most unpleasant thing you will do all day! Not only is ‘eating a frog’ the #1 tip for improving motivation every day, […]