Negative Emotions and Trust
I often draw inspiration and ideas for many of my posts through my own personal experiences. That generally lays the groundwork or theme of what I write. From there, I add in the science aspect – what we know in psychology – and whenever possible, marry it to our daily working life. So, I could […]
But What?
We all have ’em. Buts. No, not butts, though we all have those too. But “but”. You know … that little word that stops you from taking the next step. From choosing A or B (or C or Q). From feeling more positive about yourself. From living the life you say you want. You know […]
Hear Yourself Think
Can you hear yourself think? Probably not. Most people are stuck somewhere between the external gurus (that tell you they know more than you do so therefore you should buy their secrets) and the internal critic (that tells you that you are undeserving, unworthy, not good enough or some other BS you’ve learned along the […]
Happy New Year – Part 3
I hope you have enjoyed the exercises and questions over the last few days. Remember to leverage your learning by sharing your ideas, thoughts and awareness with someone who can help you achieve your goals in 2019. Please note that if you have not read Part 1 or Part 2 of this series, Part 3 […]
Happy New Year – Part 2
What did you learn from yesterday’s exercises? What achievements appeared that surprised you? As promised, we’re going to look at those bits and pieces that seem to hang around us, weigh us down, distract us. These are known as “tolerations” – those energy-sapping annoyances that creep into our thoughts, time, energy and space. This toleration-zapping […]