To Debrief Or Not To Debrief

That is never the question because the answer is always “debrief”. After every presentation, workshop, seminar, keynote or lunch ‘n’ learn I give, I always take a few minutes to ‘debrief’ the work I have just completed. Few professionals do this on a regular basis, yet the 10 minutes spent pays off over and over […]

Facilitating Employee Work Performance

As a manager, have you ever wondered why you or your employees may be inconsistent regarding work performance? You may be scratching your head…you have hired people who have the expertise necessary to perform the job; you have given your employees on-going feedback; and you have provided your employees with acceptable working conditions.  What more […]

My Way Or The Highway

It’s almost impossible to go head-to-head with someone and change their mind. Why? Well, one of the biggest reasons is that you’re fighting what’s known as a “confirmation bias”. As children, we’re curious – always asking lots of questions. Then when we hit the teenage years, we start turning off questions and start turning on […]

They Keep Interrupting Me!

The fact of the matter is you will get interrupted at the office. And it’s up to you to manage how and when others are allowed to interrupt you. Action – So, establish some boundaries by classifying the type of interruptions you’ll allow into one of four categories:- Class A interruptions are for issues you […]

Teacher, Teacher

William Arthur Ward said: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. If we swap the word “manager” for “teacher”, what kind of manager would you be? You’re a mediocre manager if you simply tell your staff what and when to do something. You’re a good manager […]