Find The Disagreement

No matter what you do, someone isn’t going to like it. For me, hearing from my critics is one of the best parts of my work! My speaker evaluation forms, blog comment box and even my email is filled with a wealth of information. All of it, by my definition, is positive. While I love […]

Creating New Habits

Creating a new habit is simple but its not always easy. Research says solidifying new behaviors can often take 3 to 6 weeks of consistent, conscious work. So why would you listen to just one of my corporate audio clips and expect lasting change? Why would you expect others to take a short course on […]

Outcome & Performance

I’m often asked to clarify the difference between a performance goal and an outcome goal. This distinction is so important, it can make the difference between your achieving goals or not. Most of us have learned over the years to set goals that have a specific outcome – like make $100,000 this year, lose 20 […]

A Baby’s Laugh

Why do babies learn how to laugh before they learn how to speak? The answer is two-fold – First, laughter is a basic fundamental communication skill. It lets others know we are happy, and that we are at ease, which is reassuring to whoever hears our laughter. Secondly, laughter releases extremely powerful chemicals into our […]

3 Types Of People

Did you ever notice how three types of people make this world go ‘round? Those who make things happen Those who watch things happen and Those who wonder what happened! We can all list people who make things happen: Jonas Salk who invented the polio vaccine, Abraham Lincoln who was determined to end slavery, Mother […]