Whether you are about to sit through a long seminar, a short webinar or quick video, here is a great way to maximize your time, energy, effort and learning opportunity.
Just before the listening or watching or even reading begins, ask yourself these 3 questions (exactly as written):
- What are 3 things I already knew about this subject?
- What are 2 things that are new to me?
- What is 1 thing I am going to do differently now?
Please take special note of the wording of the first question – “what are 3 things I already knew about this subject”. You are asking a question in the past tense before the learning even begins.
You see, all the questions are meant to wake up your brain so you can more actively engage with the material. As you do, your brain will actually look for the answers and the light bulbs will keep turning on as they are found.
We tend to approach learning opportunities in a passive, waiting way. Simply asking these 3 questions moments before the learning begins will make maximum use of your brain and your valuable time!