Do you live your life ‘at cause’ or do you live your life ‘at effect’?
When you operate your life ‘at cause’ you take responsibility for your life and are in command of your destiny. To be ‘at cause’ means you have choices in your life, and you can choose what is right for you.
When you live your life ‘at effect’ you make excuses for not living your life. You blame others for your destiny, and you can’t see that you have choices. Being ‘at effect’ makes you a passive observer of your life. The irony is that you do have a choice, and you have chosen not to choose. It may be challenging to live your live ‘at cause’. However, far too many of us spend too much of our time being ‘at effect’.
In your working environment, you may feel that you are operating at effect. When it comes to learning new material, or to attend a team-building activity, you may feel that you are at the mercy of what management has decided you need. Invite your employer to consider introducing microlearning training activities into your daily work life. These activities may help alleviate this feeling of living at ‘effect’. Microlearning trainings are a type of training that deals with small learning chunks accompanied by short-term learning activities. The format for the trainings makes it possible to engage in the training anywhere at any time. Microlearning trainings supports self-discovery, allowing you to focus on useful information that you don’t already possess. Resolve to be ‘at cause’ when it comes to your on-the-job trainings. Take responsibility for decisively creating the time in your schedule for some microlearning training.
On a more general note, learn to identify those times in your life when you find yourself living ‘at effect’. Once identified, get back ‘at cause’ and realize that you always have choices.
As Dr. Seuss said – Today you are YOU, that is TRUER than true.
There is NO ONE alive who is Youer than YOU.
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
Truly, this is a good web site.